Sunday, November 04, 2007

“Houston Real Estate Today Radio Show” With One Week to Go Before the Show….

A week ago, my partner, Andy Valadez and I jumped on the chance to partner with local radio show host, Steven Kay of Steven Kay Media for him to produce my own weekly real estate radio talk show "Houston Real Estate TODAY!".

I have been on the other side of the microphone several times in the last 6 months (once on television) and was pretty comfortable answering questions. So, I figured, all I have to do now is be the one asking the questions. How hard could that be? I interview our cover stories for the magazine each month.

But as this week of mentoring with Steven, working with Andy on press releases and lining up our first guests, I have come to realize that this transition is not unlike being a frequent flyer and one day, you decide that if you can be a passenger, maybe you could pilot the plane…,what was I thinking???

As excited as I am about this opportunity, I am (in direct proportion) nervous about it as well. Remember, there are no rehearsals for a radio show, it is a "live" show and there is not time to “rehearse” as all time on the air is taken each day!

So, here I am one week before the show with some great coaching from Steven, but unsure if I am not the proverbial “old dog” learning some “new tricks?”

What I have learned, is that there is A LOT more to hosting a radio show that I ever anticipated.

But, everyone that I have talked to about the show, has told me “You are going to be great at hosting!” Are they setting their expectations too high for me or do they know something about me that I don’t?

In either case, we have a great line up (Ronnie Matthews/RE/MAX Legends, Rita Santamaria/Champions School of Real Estate and Rochelle Barrow of Royce who are joining Co-host and sponsor, Rene Salavatierra/Urban Financial and I on the show. They are all “Big Fans” of each other and probably do not even need me there to get them talking and have a great dialogue on real estate today.

Maybe that’s the ticket!

Stay tuned, gang!

Next Friday (November 9th) at 1pm on CNN 650 News Radio.

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